My house and decor are somewhat lacking in the style department. I like to blame the lack of funding in that part of the budget, but it's also my own personal lack of style. I've personally acknowledged that I will never have a home worthy of a spread in a style magazine. It's just not me or dare I say, my style. My house will always be a little cluttered, because I like those "treasures" that make a house a home. I will never have a perfectly pulled together room, because I have a hard time forking out money to pull it all together (I know some of you will say you can do it on a budget, but even that takes money) and also my refusal to get rid of things that don't go with the room, but really have no other place to go either. There will always be pieces that are mismatched and things I keep even though they don't go with the decor. That being said, I've been feeling like our living room was a little more college apartment style than I liked. I've been slowly gathering fabric to go with the colors I've had in mind for a long time and I have 2 chairs that I'm refinishing to actually match, but haven't done much else. This past week I had had enough and wanted to do something with my lack of continuity in the room and made pillows to go on all of the chairs that match. JoAnns had their pillows on sale, by one get one free. Some of the fabric was from dish towels I had picked up somewhere, just because they were the colors I liked. Some more of the fabrics were remnants I'd pick up here and there. The one dotted brown I picked up at Hobby Lobby on sale last week. I went and got some trim as well, just to make them a little more interesting. All said, I think I spent $50 total. Now I just need to make a slip cover for the ugly, but oh so comfortable worn out orange chair and I think I can live with the room until we can afford the chocolate brown leather couch I've had my eye on.
I like them. I am in the process of recovering our couch and a wingback chair I picked up for $5! Dark grey with a zig zag. I am excited.
ReplyDeleteI am glad I'm not the only one who is still living with crazy hand-me-downs that have seen better days.
I'm _so close_ to finishing (okay, starting, but materials are all bought &/or gathered) my stack of pillows.
ReplyDeleteAnd _so far_ from finishing the house. Or the living room. Or a sentence, some days.
They look great.